Wicked Water Problems in the Brantas Basin

Malang, Indonesia – The AWS Asia-Pacific Indonesia team met with key staff from Dinas Lingkungan Hidup (Environmental Protection Agency, DLH) East Java and state-owned water service provider Jasa Tirta I Public Corporation (PJT I) on 19 and 20 June 2019 to discuss the opportunities and challenges of improving environmental performance in the Brantas river basin.

Supported by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade via the Australian Water Partnership and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend, RVO), AWS Asia-Pacific has commenced an assessment of environmental performance, compliance and water risks of major companies located in this water-stressed basin.

“AWS’s benchmarking analysis of our national environmental standard PROPER against the AWS Standard will be helpful in demonstrating how water stewardship can help improve environmental performance in the Brantas basin. We look forward to this collaboration and building water stewardship capacity in the basin as part of the Adopsi Brantas Program,” said Ms Anjarwati, Environmental Analyst at DLH.

Ms Astria Nugrahany of PJT I underlined the importance of cooperation to overcome shared challenges in IWRM. “Brantas river basin supports diverse water users and uses. Irrigation, hydropower, communities and industries – all require sufficient quantities of safe and clean water. Collaborative action between water users and governing bodies is required to ensure the availability and quality of water resources in the basin. As the river basin organisation with the jurisdiction to manage Brantas water resources, PJT I is looking forward to working together with AWS Asia-Pacific to enhance water efficiency in the basin.”

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