Water RoadMap

A strategic analysis, scorecard and plan for water and wastewater management.

The Water RoadMap diagnostic tool provides a strategic analysis, scorecard, and performance improvement plan of your organisation’s water and wastewater management practices.

Using a continuous improvement methodology, Water RoadMap assists decisionmakers to deliver water efficiency, cost savings, and your environmental, social and governance (ESG) targets.

The tool is delivered via a 90-120 minute virtual or face-to-face workshop with your organisation’s senior management team.

Water RoadMap is suitable for any water-using organisations or water-dependent sites.

A sample 23-point performance report provided by the Water RoadMap tool

Key features of Water RoadMap

Identifies and prioritises your organisation’s strengths, weaknesses and opportunities across the business

Focuses on key actions that yield the highest returns with minimal or no investment

Coordinates elements necessary to achieve corporate sustainability objectives

Promotes continuous improvement in environmental priorities

Rapid feedback and benchmarking against international and industry metrics

Includes ESG assessment and values

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